555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

433. How May We "Reflect" God?

The marginal reading in the Revised Version (II Cor. 3:18) gives "reflecting" instead of beholding. This makes the meaning much clearer. Christians should be mirrors, reflecting the glory of God. Visitors to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican procure small mirrors which enable them to enjoy the great paintings of Michael Angelo on the ceiling without discomfort. Worldly people will not look at God, but they do look at us, and they should see God reflected in us, as the great master's paintings are reflected in the mirror. As we thus behold and reflect God we become constantly more like him ("are transformed into the same image") going from one glorious stage of experience to another ("from glory to glory"). "Even as from the Lord the Spirit" (R. V.) means in a manner that befits the character and manner of the Holy Spirit He works this transformation in us in the same perfect, adequate, godlike manner in which he always works. Compare Ex. 3429-35; Ps. 34:5; Acts 4:13. Read the whole of this chapter and the next, II Cor. 3 and 4.